37 Romsley Road, Daimler Green, Coventry
+44 7463 439300

As you start to get deeper into your driving lessons you will come to realise that the road is not always the safest place to be. Fellow drivers will often make mistakes and pedestrians may act in ways that you don’t expect.

You need to be alert to these potential hazards to prevent them from causing any issues with your driving, which is one of the main reasons why there is now a Hazard Perception Test. But what should you be looking out for? The following are some of the most common hazards that you will encounter when on the road.

Cars Pulling Out of Junctions

You will already know how to conduct your observations when at a junction, but you will need to be wary when driving past one. Any number of things could cause a car to pull out unexpectedly. Some drivers just haven’t looked properly, or have experienced a lapse in concentration. Others may try to poke the front end of their vehicles out to push into traffic. You should also be wary when approaching any junctions where visibility is clearly hindered by parked cars or difficult road positioning, as these are prime areas for cars to pull out. The same can also be said of cars moving off driveways.


You always need to be aware of the amount of pedestrians that are around you, as people can act unexpectedly. The most common hazard is somebody running out into the road, usually because they think they can cross before any cars reach them, or haven’t looked properly before crossing. Also be very wary of young children, as they are often less informed on road safety and may break away from their parents.

Car Doors

These are some of the more difficult hazards to spot, as you are relying on the person in a car to be aware of what’s around them. Car doors being opened into you most commonly occurs on roads where a lot of cars are parked, so try to keep an eye out for any parked cars that have people in them.


Animals obviously don’t have the same sort of road sense as people, which makes it much more likely that cats, dogs and other wildlife will run out from between parked cars or otherwise find their way into the road. Be especially aware of any animals that are not on leashes and try to slow down a little if an animal is acting erratically, as this helps with reaction time.

Cyclists and Motorcyclists

People on bikes are often hard to spot, especially when coming up on you in your blind spot or when you are pulling out from a junction. Pay special attention to cyclists of all types, as your car can cause them a lot of damage due to the lack of protection they have in comparison to other road users. This is especially important at junctions, especially when pulling out. Some cyclists may pull up alongside you or be riding past the junction.