37 Romsley Road, Daimler Green, Coventry
+44 7463 439300

As any experienced drivers will be able to tell you, passing your test is really only the first step to becoming a good driver. In essence, the information you learn during your lessons will act as a foundation on which you need to keep building in order to stay safe when you are on the road.

Of course, without a driving instructor present it can be a little difficult to figure out what you can do to improve once you have your full license. With that in mind, we have come up a couple of things that you can do to get better once you are out on the road.

Pass Plus

The most obvious thing that you can do is to go back to school. Pass Plus is a scheme that allows qualified drivers to work on some of the skills that they may not have developed during the course of their standard lessons. It can act as a refresher course for somebody who has not driven in a while, but its most important function is likely going to be introducing you to the concepts surrounding motorway driving. This is an area that you won’t have covered during your lessons, so Pass Plus is a great place to start if you want to improve.

Know Your Car

Unless you buy the exact same make and model of car that you learned it, it is likely that your first vehicle is going to run a little differently to that car that you passed your test in. The most obvious changes are usually going to be the biting point of the clutch and the positioning of some of the features on your dashboard. You may also need to deal with a larger vehicle or switching from diesel to petrol. As such, it pays to get to know your car a little bit. Read the owner’s manual and spend some time getting used to everything that the car has to offer.

Keep Your Cool

Frustration can build up on the road, especially if you have been unfortunate enough to encounter a bad driver or two during your journey. However, allowing such irritancies to play on your mind when you are driving will end up distracting you, possibly making you unsafe on the road yourself. Stay calm at all times and don’t allow other road users to get under your skin.

Keep To The Speed Limit

Always remember that speed limits are there for a reason so you should not break them. This is the case no matter what the road is likely. It could be empty for what seems like miles around, but it is still important that you keep to the limit. Going over could leave you open to receiving a fine and points on your license, or it could result in you causing a dangerous situation for other road users. Instead, make sure you stick to the legal limit and stay aware of your surroundings at all times.